Amalgam Landscape are experts on landscape and visual impact assessments (LVIAs) at all levels of complexity and scale, both stand alone and as part of a wider multi-disciplinary environmental impact assessment (EIAs).
Amalgam Landscape LVIAs:
- Identify the methodology and approach. We use and are very familiar with numerous specialist methodologies for different types of development in varied geographic locations. Although our approach will be based on recommended guidance, we have the experience to understand that the methodology used for each project can be adapted to fit the type, location, scale and complexity of the scheme;
- Describe the existing landscape (or townscape) character and views from surrounding visual amenity receptors (people) within an identified study area;
- Clearly explain the magnitude of impact (or change) and the significance (or level) of effect on the existing landscape character and views from visual amenity receptors as a result of the proposed development;
- Propose effective and realistic mitigation measures which will aim to avoid, reduce or compensate for any identified effects; and
- Be accompanied by an extremely high standard of graphic information following relevant guidance, including Zones of Theoretical Visibility (ZTVs), wireframe visualisations, photomontages and landscape/environmental masterplans, where appropriate.