How do I contact Amalgam Landscape?
Amalgam Landscape would be pleased to offer you a competitive quote and detailed scope of works for your landscape planning or landscape design project.
Please call us on 01275 627077 or fill in the online form below:
How do I find Amalgam Landscape?
The Amalgam Landscape office is just off the High Street within the bustling small town centre of Nailsea.
It is conveniently placed near to Waitrose and within walking distance of numerous coffee shops, local cafes, shops and restaurants, near long and short stay free car parks.
Amalgam Landscape
First Floor Front Office
124 High Street
North Somerset
BS48 1AH

Download PDF of directions to Amalgam Landscape (Bristol)
We welcome speculative applications from talented landscape architects, particularly those with a passion for strategic assessment and landscape planning who would like to join our small and friendly team. For the right candidates, we can offer flexible, part-time and/or home working. Please send a CV to the email address above.
Registered in England and Wales No: 08946721. Registered Office: First Floor Front Office, 124 High Street, Nailsea, North Somerset, BS48 1AH.
“Amalgam take a proactive and collaborative approach to landscape appraisal for development projects and their work is presented to a very high standard. Highly recommended.”
Matt Williams
Planning Consultant
Brimble Lea & Partners