Potbridge Farm, 8mW solar development, Hampshire

Potbridge-zone-theorectial-visibilityA landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) was produced for a proposed 8MW solar development near Hook in Hampshire.

Mitigation measures were proposed as part of the assessment process to limit the immediate and wider potential impacts and effects of the proposed development, in particular on the adjacent public right of way and the surrounding houses, many of which were also recognised as Listed Buildings.

The mitigation measures, including additional tree and hedgerow planting as well as advice on the solar panel design was incorporated into the final design and layout. These were illustrated on an indicative landscape masterplan.

Through discussion with the Local Authority, photomontages were also produced from agreed locations which illustrate the existing view, the predicted view immediately following construction and the predicted view following the growth of the proposed hedgerow planting.

This helped to illustrate how the proposed mitigation measures will help to reduce the potential impacts.

