Littleborough Cross, 225kW single wind turbine, Devon

Littleborough-zone-of-visibilityA landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) was produced for a proposed 225kW wind turbine (45.5m to blade tip), near Puddington in Mid Devon.

The LVIA outlined the existing landscape relevant designations, landscape character and visual amenity receptors within a 7.5km radius study area, centred on the proposed wind turbine. The LVIA assessed the magnitude of impact and and de-commissioning of the proposed wind turbine and proposed mitigation measures to reduce any potential impacts and effects. The LVIA also considered the cumulative effects of the proposed development when perceived with other wind energy schemes that are operational, consented or in planning within the study area.

Zones of Theoretical Visibility (ZTVs) to hub height and blade tip were also created and helped to inform the location of potential viewpoints and the potential extent of impacts and effects as a result of the proposed development. Eight agreed viewpoints, all of which were interpreted as wireline views and photomontages, were also used to inform the LVIA.

The proposed wind turbine was granted planning permission.


Littleborough Cross Viewpoint
