Camera Equipment for a LVIA

I am not the most camera aware person and I must admit using a film SLR 35mm camera with a fixed 50mm lens for work not that long ago.

However with the publication of the Landscape Institute Advice Note 01/11 – Photography and photomontage in landscape and visual impact assessment  and the ease of using digital images forced my hand.

After taking much advice from colleagues, friends and the Bristol Camera Centre, I left behind my beloved and trustworthy film camera and purchased a new digital camera, suitable for supporting landscape and visual impact assessments (LVIA’s).

This is the camera equipment I currently use:

  • D90 Nikon DX camera body.
  • Nikon 35mm f2 Nikkor lens with clear filter to protect the lens. On a DX Nixon camera body, the focal length is equivalent to 52.5mm (in full frame 35mm film terms).
  • Manfrotto adjustable tripod with the head fixed on a vertical and horizontal axis. This also includes a spirit level to ensure ‘level’ photographs.
  • A detachable spirit level fitted to the top of the camera, to ensure ‘level’ photographs.
  • All packed within a padded camera ‘ruck-sack’ with spare batteries, memory cards and instruction booklets.

I also use a hand-held GPS device for recording grid co-ordinates and height data (AOD) and a compass to ensure the direction of view is correct.
